Zoe Zou runs an outdoor gear and apparel repair shop. She is also a rock climber, and quite possibly one of the kindest people you will ever meet. A deep and intentional thinker, I knew Zoe would be the perfect guest to tackle the topic of "gear culture" on the show.

In this episode we're talking about:
Where the temptation to exclusively use high-end, expensive gear comes from
Different ways to acquire outdoor gear without breaking the bank
How to extend the life of your gear and clothing (hint: you're probably zipping your zippers the wrong way!)
How gear - even damaged gear - can be a powerful tool for connection
Zoe's passion for trad climbing, sewing, and her cutest project: @guineapigclimber
Zoe is based in New Mexico, but repairs gear from all over the country. She can make your gear look fresh from the factory or add a unique and artistic twist to give you a one-of-a-kind piece, that you might be glad you damaged in the first place!
To check out before-after photos of Zoe's work, or to inquire about getting your gear repaired, visit Zoe on Instagram at @zoepatches or visit her website: www.zoecanpatchit.com To follow Zoe's climbing adventures, follow @zoe_climbs

Ad: Support the planet and the show by purchasing your reusable silicon Stasher bags by using this unique affiliate link.
To learn more about Kelsee's work as an outdoor-based mental health counselor associate in Indiana, visit www.hemlockcounselingservices.com or connect with her on Instagram at: @kelseekeitel @hemlockcounselingservices @switchbackcommunitypod
Catch you on the Switchbacks!